Sunday 1 April 2012

Sudocrem - Acne cure?

Let me start out by saying I suffer from extremely sensitive skin, so attempting to banish my acne seems to do more harm than good. However, after reading raving review of various people using Sudocrem on their skin I decided to give it a go. The cream is mainly known for being used on nappy rashes, although it has proven to be an extremely effective acne treatment and many people swear by it.

I have been using this cream for a few weeks now, and it really is a miracle! It moisturises my skin whilst soothing redness and making my spots disappear so much faster than they do naturally. I apply a thin coating all over my face before bed each night, avoiding my eye area, and when I wake up my skin is a lot less irritated. After the three weeks I have been using it, around 90% of my spots have vanished, and the ones I do have are somehow a lot less noticeable.

I really recommend this cream to anyone suffering from acne. It's the quick fix everyone wants, and it only costs around £2-3! So why not give it a go? It might be exactly what you've been looking for.

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